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Showing posts from September, 2014

Trees grow back

Helloo, to whomever cares to read this! I know I've been updating the site on an abnormal basis, not keeping tabs on the distance between each post. But, it's okay because despite how irregular the timing, I have made sure to keep my posts parallel, if I may admit, with the life that I am leading. Or, in better English, my life as it is momentarily. I realise that I've made quite an odd move by going to college and studying something more on the mathematical side of business. Which is slightly contradictary toward my love for English and using that particular side of my brain. If there's anything I've learned over the past year, it's that sometimes, the unplanned moments of your life are the best moments of your life. And, I realise that if you are just checking out the site and seeing what it's all about, (or, perhaps, what I'm all about) you may think that to be a bit soppy and just leave it right there. Close the tab at the top of your page and

An Abundance Of Absence.

Now for my September post, the Summer flew away so quickly that I managed to end up here, the day before I start college. Can you believe it, college? For this one, I'm posting my latest poem, which I wrote only days ago. What's funny about the poem is that, moments before I wrote it at about four in the morning, I had begun to write a "Joanne Here" post in which I was going to tell you all about how I had run out of ideas as to what to base a poem upon. I felt completely neutral. I had no ideas, no thoughts, no emotions. Absolutely nothing. And what's more, is that I felt completely powerless.. which is such a helpless feeling, might I add. (Never go to bed angry!!) I just want to get this poem posted and out there, so that I can both come to terms with the truth behind it, and forget it. Acception is vital for this one! I'm basically hoping that, by posting the poem, and getting it out of the way, I will never again have to experience the feelings that