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Showing posts from May, 2015

Resilience of the Fallen

Hello again readers! I know this is my second post this month, but I'm keen to upload this one. In my last post I mentioned that May was my least favourite month of the year, and while there are many contributing reasons, this is one of the main ones. Today, the 27th of May, marks the 5th anniversary of a life changing event that I experienced. Five years ago, I was on a school tour with my class mates in Secondary school. We went to an activity center across the Irish border, in Northern Ireland. I won't give any specific details.. But basically, what happened was, I joined my friends on various obstacle courses in both water-based and land-based activities. I could safely have said it was the time of my life. That was until we went to do an archery course. I genuinely thought that meant bows and arrows.. But I was wrong. Instead, it was a course with activities such as swinging like Tarzan and walking on wired lines... I came to one specific activity, it was a leaping

Community of Hearts

Good May to you all! Now, I won't get into all the various reasons why May is my least favourite month of the year... But, at some point, I promise, I'll explain the lot. For now though, I want to just concentrate on an ancient matter. Friends play a massive role in my life. To some, friends are deemed to have little importance.. Which actually reminds me of the time Trevor told me he considered the term "friends" to be a 'loose term.' I want you all to know that Trevor came to realise he was very, very wrong. To me, friends make my life. I love my family and I know their values, but what I've learned is that friends show you a part of you you may have never even knew existed. I had many different friends through my years in Primary School, some who showed me that your outside family life can have a real impact on the kind of person you are.. Others showed me that trust needs to be earned.. Others even showed me that you don't truly know, res