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Showing posts from December, 2019

Inadequate Valuables

Happy August Guys! It's been a while since you last heard from me. And in that time, I've changed a lot about myself. I told myself I was finished writing. I felt like it was draining all the happiness out of me. It was as if I needed to focus on the negatives in order to see the deeper side to things. And thus, write about them. I convinced myself it was the end. But then, it was as if the universe was screaming at me to change my mind, when I was sent a 'recommended for you' post in my email. It was an article on why creative minds are more likely to become depressed. It was about a lady called Nancy Andreasen, a neuroscientist and author of The Creative Brain , who believed that a creative person should embrace their creativity, rather than shutting it out. She believes that depression occurs due to a persons reaction toward the world, and creative people tend to be less adaptive to situations. They question and wonder, and as a result, they can develop depress