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Showing posts from February, 2018

Departure Lounge

Happy 2018 guys, I know it has been a long time. Briefly, I'll bring you up to speed - after Anisotropy I put down my pen and jumped into life. Sometimes writer's block can be a good thing, depending on the reason. Since my last post, I traveled to Spain again for a holiday along the Costa Del Sol during Winter. The place was fabulous, but with adventures comes learning, and I came home a little smarter than I left. My intentions to write have also been increasing since I first visited Barcelona last September, there's something magical I find about seeing the world and being above the clouds. Perhaps it's just me finding myself, perhaps it will wear off eventually.. Anyway, I wrote this, while listening to It's OK by Tom Rosenthal .. I guess you could say it was my source of inspiration.. But I'm not sure why. I drafted it during December, forcing myself past the writing barrier, and then just abandoned it. Having reread it now, I actually don't li