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Showing posts from July, 2017

Turquoise Moon

Happy July guys.. I missed June. I'm not happy about it at all. I had a tiny hint of writer's block and it effected a great deal of things for me throughout the month. On the plus side, I did eventually get something written for June so it could be worse! So, this one has caused a little bit of a stir up. I've been asked a number of questions from a few people regarding the meaning of the poem. One person asked me why I would write a poem about racism. They've questioned my mental health. I've even had someone comment on my constant use of darkness and light when comparing. The different opinions I was receiving about the poem really put things into perspective for me.. I mean I coined the poems title a couple of years ago and attempted so many times to pull something suitable together for it. And I struggled greatly throughout June, I had friends, and especially Caroline, wondering where my monthly update was. Turquoise Moon wasn't intentionally supposed