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Showing posts from September, 2017

Away with the Fairies

Happy September guys! This one is a little dated, but I've chosen to post it this month as it's the most appropriate poem for recent times. I'm going through the biggest writing block I've ever experienced, and up until recently, I had accepted that I was finished with poetry. Before I moved to Dublin, I was enchanted by everything. Taking the time to sit down and piece a poem together came easy and regularly..but now I'm struggling. A year ago I wrote myself a letter, following the beginning of the happiness challenge, and in it I included all the things I wished to change about myself and the place I was during the time. I reminded myself why I started the challenge and explained my end goal. It was a fantastic idea! I read the letter only last week and within the letter I told myself if I was to have stopped writing, for whatever reason, start again on the day I read the letter. I also told myself if I found an appropriate reason to stop writing, remember