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Showing posts from July, 2015

The Hatched Hatchlings

Happy July guys! I hope you're all keeping well... Caroline has recently requested that I post "A Sense of Place" this month, but I don't think it's the right time. I previously decided to post my poems in relation to my life. But this month, I'm not going to do that. Instead, here's one from my most recent bundle. I got thinking about an old friend earlier this month. One, I knew during the earlier years of my life. A friend, who outshone many of my friends that came later. She wasn't perfect, by far. Her name was Annika Kuyper. Annika taught me some of the most important lessons I know at this point in my life. She showed me that, despite what goes on at home, life can be normal. That absolutely no one is perfect, no matter how much they try. That there's a particular beauty in being different, which I have definitely lived up to! And, the biggest lesson, and the most important. You don't truly know the value of what you have until yo