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Showing posts from January, 2019


Hi guys, I'm making my grand entrance into 2019 with this next one, it's called Evader . If I had an explanation of a scenario for which this poem applies, I would share it with you. The essence of it stems from many times I've experienced in the past.. but finding one to share with my readers was difficult. I guess we all go through things in life that we never share, but I've noticed it sometimes helps to at least understand the mind-frame, vibe, emotional state or environment the people around us have found themselves in before. I feel it helps to understand their soul, ahead of their human cloak. Anyway, since you last heard from me, I have visited the trenches of my mind various times. I dressed in armour, brought my guns and ammunition and hid it out for a bit. But no one shot first, and then no one retaliated. So I stood up, shouted out and the echo was horrifying. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm my own worst enemy and I've been attacking m