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Showing posts from May, 2017

Fictional Dependency - Part V: Breaking the Fourth Wall

Hi guys! I know this is my second visit this month, but I couldn't wait! I must admit, I can't believe I wrote this. This is the light in my dark tunnel, I think. Just the other day I revisited the reason I started writing the Fictional Dependency series. It was actually as a result of the attacks in Paris back in November 2015. I was explaining this to someone, while surprising myself that I could recall it so intimately. I remember scrolling through social media, hours after the attacks, reading everyone's posts. Pray for Paris the most prominent slogan I've ever actually seen. The world went nuts sympathising Paris. You'd swear the rest of the world wasn't falling apart around Paris. Anyway, what caught my attention was a girls poem about Paris. I get why people were shocked, and I get why people were heartbroken. I watched it all on the news, I seen the devastation just as others did. But I also seen the other side to the story. The French government


May the 4th be with you all guys! Okay, so my next one is a tribute to my big sister - whom is celebrating her birthday today. I wrote it yesterday while I was out and about. As many of ye might recall, this is one of the most difficult weeks of the year for us, with Michael's birthday and anniversary - but Caroline's birthday just slots in there, and I thought it would be nice to pull together some words just for her. So I hope you appreciate the name choice, I had a nice wee giggle for myself. Happy Birthday, Caroline.. This is for you. ♥♥♥ Fan-tastic Take the following words, And bring them with you through your life. I want you to know you’re a fantastic person: Sister, mother, daughter and wife. You give everything your best efforts, Even when it feels like the whole world’s on your plate. You may have a load of ridiculous habits, But what counts is your utmost good faith. You’ve taught me lessons no tutor could teach me. You’ve prepared me for the worl