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Showing posts from December, 2016

The Silence

Whoa guys, I almost let 2016 go without uploading my December post! I've struggled with a few things since the end of November. And mainly, it was finding the right words. In general, not just with poetry. I made a promise to myself that I would tell people particular things before 2016 was over. But I have achieved nothing. It feels as if everything has fallen away from me, and I was just left in a distant place, a few months back. I have to catch up, and that's what I'm doing. Outside of my head, I understand that makes no sense to many. But, to me, I think I've finally found the right words. I'm a little lost, but I think I'm finding my way back. I hope you like The Silence as it genuinely has a piece of me within it. I've been trying to find the words for this kind of storyline for a while now, even long before everything fell apart. And, I think, it's sort of an anti-climax as it doesn't really have that dramatic effect in place. I di