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Showing posts from September, 2016

Picture of Perfection

Happy September guys! Now.. This month, I've something special in store. I was clearing a load of old files off my laptop and getting ready for a fresh start in the new academic year, when I came across a few untitled files here and there in random folders. In one particular folder, I found this one. Untitled and undated but complete. I don't know when it was that I just abandoned the file and left it there believing it was piece of junk. But now, I see it was much more than that. I think, when I was writing this poem, I was actually referring to the writing that's across my wall in my bedroom. These include inspirational quotes, life lessons, paintings of all my favourite childhood cartoons..and more, but that's not important. There are many things in life that makes one turn toward their imaginary haven, and long to be there. I feel a bit like W. B. Yeats, longing for Innisfree, but this is a little different. When I look at this photograph I see home.. Fu

Four Letter Word

Hello again! I know this is the second time for you guys to hear from me this month, but I've been eager to post again. I've been on a bit of a journey for the past forty-odd days, making my way to what I originally believed was a road to happiness. I spoke about it in my last post; the challenge and the effects it has had on me so far. It was only last night I realised the challenge wasn't exactly about becoming happy. I am happy, innately, I just need to restore that within myself. Soon enough I will be sharing my experience so far with my readers.. Basically, it's not all been about happiness. I don't wake up every morning and wave at the sky, shouting "Good morning, Sunshine!" No, that's unrealistic. Instead, I've been gradually stepping out of the darkness, into the light. I need to do this for myself.. I just need to acknowledge all of the tiny aspects that make up my life, and the effects they have on myself as a person, the people aro