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Showing posts from 2020

The Utopian

Happy Thursday guys! Some time has passed since you heard from me, I did say I would be infrequent here. I have actually made some progress however with my poetry book. It's a work in progress and I believe it's going well so far! Something about me many people don't know is that I'm political. I'm a democrat, with a modest understanding of the republicans. I don't talk about it much because it makes for awkward conversation. Short breaths, steam coming from the ears of my recipients. Trust me. Treacle. Although I know this, I have dabbled in a few political poems over the past few years, centralising on the Irish rebellion and, well, general Irish politics. But in some instances, I have found myself squishing world political points into my stanzas, soaking in what the media feed me, venting through the letters. I have some passionate opinions on American politics and even more on European. Between Brexit and Trump, I feel my head imploding slowly. Tha