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☐ Travel to 10 countries πŸ—Ί️

Before I am 30, I aim to travel to 10 countries! 

While very achievable for most, I have only started traveling in the past few years. So when I set that goal, I didn't even think I would get to 10, if I'm honest. Obviously, the pandemic happened and I had to pause for a while, but we're still on track: we put a large dent in the list in 2022 alone - visiting a total of 8 countries in the year.

I always thought of travel as something terrifying, I was mostly nervous about food. I love other cultures, and I can get excited about taking the plane, train, car or hike to the next attraction. 

Here is my journey so far x

#1 Barcelona, Spain

I went to Barcelona for a womENcourage conference back in 2017. It was my first flight, my first time trekking around on my own outside my small hometown. My parents came with me (also my mother's first time abroad) and we stayed in this hotel in Calella. Calella, while a lovely place, was not ideal as it was 2+ hours away from the University I was attending for the conference. 

The first night was one of my best memories: it was torrential raining and we all got soaked in seconds. The whole night was lightning flash after lightning flash, and the three of us found ourselves hiding out in a soon-to-shut Burger King. 


Continue reading in I didn't see the sea

#2 London, UK

London was never one of my top picks for the Before 30 list, however Shane told me he enjoyed his short layover in London while he was traveling, so I figured it was a good destination to go to on our first trip away together.

We planned a short trip to London for New Years in 2019. Pre-pandemic, the 'before times' if you will. We stayed in a luxurious 4 star hotel in the center of London, near Tower Bridge so we would be close to a couple of attractions.

Before going, we purchased a thing called 'London Pass', I think it goes by something else now. The pass included tickets to some top attractions such as the Big Bus, London Eye, Madame Tussauds and Sea Life.  


Continue reading in London at New Years

#3 Paris, France

Who doesn't dream of Paris? Me. I'll be honest. I had heard so many negative things about Paris before I went, so that dampened it a little for me.

However, since I have been, I cannot stop dreaming of Paris. The feeeeeeeling of being there was so incredible. I loved the tea, I loved the Eiffel Tower, I loved the air. I honestly felt like I belonged there, which is an unbelievable feeling.

We decided to go in November, as it was nearing the end of the year and I swore I would not go anywhere attraction-filled for New Years after London. It was our first trip since the pandemic so we were a little nervous. Before we left I got the biggest cold feet of my life, sitting on the couch, telling Shane I wasn't going. We talk about regrets in life, getting up off that couch and making my way to the airport was like the biggest anti-regret of my life! 


Stay tuned for the completed post...

#4 Cologne, Germany

Okay, I'll be honest. We went to Cologne because we needed to go to Berlin, and the cost of the flight was so cheap by comparison (including the cross-country train cost) that it only made sense to choose it.

We were heading to Berlin for Pokemon Go Fest 2022. Our original plan was: we fly to Cologne (for €13 each), check in to our hotel - situated right in the train station we would depart from - sleep for 4 hours and then take a 5 hour train ride to Berlin. Yes, we were ambitious.

However, as life does, we woke up the same minute we were meant to be departing on our train. And while I do not know much about public transport in Germany, I knew two solid facts right then: we were not getting that train and we were definitely not getting a refund.

So what could we do except enjoy a wonderful day in Cologne while we waited for the next train!


Stay tuned for the completed post...

#5 Corfu, Greece

I'm not one for partying, so Corfu was a bold choice. I recall people looked at me funny when I said I was going to party-party land in the summer. But you know? I had one line of thinking: how do I know it's not my scene, I've never tried it?

Don't get me wrong, I don't particular follow the motto of 'try everything once' but it's just a thing people know about themselves and I didn't actually know it.

We didn't go alone of course, we went with a whole crew of people. I believe there were 12 of us in total. Some I knew, some I didn't.

For €400 for 7 days, you have to wonder what you're getting yourself in for. Here's the answer: a beautiful beach, basic plumbing in your hotel, a series of bug bites (if that's what you're in to) and the most incredible night sky on that midnight beach.

Oh you're a drinker? Ah you'll fit right in. Me, not so much, but I did love my experience there.


Stay tuned for the completed post...

#6 Amsterdam, Netherlands

The reason I wanted to go to Amsterdam over any other place in the Netherlands was because I wanted to be a serious tourist: hit the tulip fields, windmills, red-light district, canals etc.

Of course, you think tulips and then you think "But Joanne, you went in November?!". I know, I know.

I have to say, of all of the places you think of going to, and people talk about going to, you don't imagine Amsterdam as this incredible scenic, beautiful place. I went with absolutely no expectations, and now I cannot wait to go back! 


Stay tuned for the completed post...

#7 Milan, Italy

I'm sorry, I have to say, Milan was my least favourite place to go by far. I don't fit in in the whole fashion scene (no matter how much I joke about it) and it just felt stale.

Perhaps it's because I broke my own rule and went on another New Years trip haha

There weren't that many things to do, and I figured afterward that we should have left it as a small part of a larger trip through Italy - a trip I intend to do in the next few years anyway. 


Stay tuned for the completed post...

#8 St. Moritz, Switzerland

Now, I know I say a lot of things about New Years trips, but we decided to go on a train journey through the bottom of Switzerland called the Bernina Express for my birthday and it was absolutely incredible!

Talk about fairytale, I got to see so many glorious landscapes and soak up somewhere so much different than my ordinary life. But you know the best part? When you're standing atop an age-old glacier, looking into the abyss, you're not thinking about work or surgery or the deeper meaning to someone's words, you're soaking in the glory that is life. You're feeling hopes and dreams dancing merrily in the sky. Or, maybe that's just me.

I have heard only whispers about Switzerland and it's beauty, and honestly I was dreaming of taking the Glacier Express this winter with very few expectations. On looking it up, it was going to be an ordeal to get to either end of the tracks, so I figured it was a no-go. If anything good came out of going to Milan, it was to take a detour to Switzerland!


Stay tuned for the completed post...

#9 Brussels, Belgium

When visiting Brussels, I decided to shake it up a little: walking tours. Of all the places we have been, we have not yet taken a walking tour.

Here's a tip: don't go on a walking tour every. single. day. of your trip unless you're looking to turn those calves into cows, my friends.

Brussels itself was pleasant, and we did learn a lot about Belgium in general while we were there. The walking tour guides were very knowledgeable and entertaining. We did a handful of activities while we were there including: visiting the Atomium, Mini-Europe and Pairi Daiza. We also took the liberty to travel to Ghent and Bruges on a day trip!


Stay tuned for the completed post...


Who knows where I will go next........


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